Friday, March 26, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

1st Dr's Visit

Doctor says Brie looks great....she's 7 lbs 10oz which is above her birth weight and she's grown! She's now 20.5" from 19"....

Besides that she's sleeping and eating great. The doctor was pleased I have her on a set feeding schedule of every 4 hours. I didn't sense that my decision to formula feed was an issue at all and so far she's a great well-tempered baby who was napping in her crib on day #2 home from the hospital.

I don't know if me using the BabyPlus monitor when I was pregnant has anything to do with Brie being such a good baby but she's able to self-sooth herself, she doesn't have any colic (cross my fingers) and she's really alert, strong and healthy.

That's it from Camp Baby Hogan! XOXO

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Week Home from the Hospital

We've been home a week and Brie is doing great. She's eating every 4 hours and sleeping a lot during the day....and a little bit during the night! She likes to lay in her vibrating bouncy seat and the Boppy while mommy watches TV. She is freakishly strong! When Brie get burped she can already lift her head and when her diaper gets changed she pumps her strong legs as if she's mountain bike riding like her daddy used to! When she gets swaddled at night just getting her arms down to her side is sometimes a monumental Miss Brie is one tough cookie!

Attached are some photos taken yesterday for your enjoyment!