Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Post Holidays

Even though Brie totally got Christmas this year, I was glad to see it go. I was great about getting my cards out on-time but the rest was a game of catch-up. As of Dec 23rd I had nothing wrapped! Very unlike me. But we had a great Christmas Eve with Grumpa Skipper and Gramma Sugar and Grandpa Mike and Grandma Linda. We ate turkey chili, cornbread and opened some gifts. Christmas morning Brie bursted out her door and went right into the living room without her usual routine of drinking milk in mama's bed. She got a red scooter, a blue Big Wheel bike, a singing machine and lots of little toys. She got a great train set from Brian's friend Don and lots of Princess stuff. Brie opened her gifts really slowly so that gave mama some time to drink mimosas with Gramma Janie and Phil. It was a nice quiet holiday and we appreciate everyone coming to us and not having to travel. Cheers!!

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