Tuesday, April 20, 2010

6 Week Dr's Appt

Brie is doing great!

Today she went to her 6 wk Dr's appt and she's in the 75% for height and 60% for weight. She weighed in at 10.5lbs! She is very alert and is able to follow people with her eyes and grab mama's hair (ouch!)

She was very relaxed at the appt and actually slept a little bit in the exam room. I am not sure if the next appt (10 weeks) will be so serene as Brie is going to get 4 sets of shots!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

6 hours

Brie slept for 6 hours last night! From 11:30 to 5:30.....she's really filling out (a nice way of saying getting chunky!) and is a really good baby. Next week is her 6 week check up so we'll see what percentile she'll fall in. I am guessing she will be 9 pounds and Maria (her au pair) is guessing 10 lbs so we'll see. Either way she's happy, healthy and super cute!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Brie had a great 1st Easter - Saturday she was a total angel and went down to my dad's house for dinner. She ate and then quietly slept wedged in a boppy pillow in the guest room while mama ate and then on Sunday she went on her 1st big road trip to Rancho Santa Fe to see Grammie Judy and Grumpa Skipper....and even great-grandmother Madeline got to see Baby Brie! The day ended with an exciting 7.2 earthquake located about 100+ miles away in Mexico! Ole!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Today the CBS affiliate came to our house to interview me about melanoma and meet Baby Brie. The story will (hopefully) focus on Brian's melanoma but it will also touch on the fertility journey I went on last June as well. At first I wasn't completely comfortable putting Brie on TV at such a young age but I talked to Brian's mom and she felt that she would help drive the story home for the viewers on how dangerous skin cancer is. A good portion of my interview focused on me not knowing the dangers of melanoma and how I thought Brian's Stage IV diagnosis was somehow curable. I think the general public needs to learn the severity of this cancer and I hope "our" story get through to as many people as possible.