Wednesday, June 19, 2013


There are times where I second guess if Brie is my child. Most of the time I don't but when she walks into a pet store and asks to see the snakes while bypassing the bunnies, fish, guinea pigs and birds I have to wonder. She's a nice mix of girly girl and tom boy. I bought her a Cinderella ballet doll today and she was just as enthralled with that as she was the snake. She is liking her new school a lot and is slowly starting to talk about her new friends. She has grown fond of a little 2 yr old girl named Logan. From what I hear she acts like a big sister to her and was trying to carry her around at one point. I think its good for her to have younger friends so maybe she can feel what its like to have a younger sibling. She is starting to talk about Papa more and that he lives in heaven. I let her watch the wedding video the other day and she kept asking when he was going to come back home - because I tell her often that he and I bought this house together. I also told her now that the jacaranda trees are blooming purple that her daddy liked that tree so when she sees one she calls it Papa's tree. We're getting ready for summer and soon we'll be at the MV lake splashing around. I am not ready to introduce her to the big waves of the ocean yet so its a great alternative.