Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sitting Up

Brie is starting to sit on her own! I think its hard for her to hold her big head up (she did inherit mom and dad's large cranium circumference) but she enjoys it and has a really proud look on her face when she does it. But one time mommy turned away for one second and Brie fell over - - - BOOM!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

6 mo appt

100th percentile - Brie is 19 lbs and 27"! She is happy and healthy and we discovered she has 3 teeth. They are just poking through but the good thing is that she hasn't been super fussy just drooling a lot and always gnawing on things. The doctor is pleased with her overall and she was really good during her appt - even though it was during her regular morning nap. Cheers to Brie!!