Friday, July 27, 2012


Brie is a true Pisces. She's been excelling at her swim lessons and she loves the Mission Viejo Lake and of course any pool she can jump into. She's even been opening her eyes under water and is starting to kick her legs a little. Its a great tradition for her and I to do a Mommy and Me swim class every Saturday AM!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Pee Pee

Yea! Brie did pee pee on the potty tonight for mama! This is the 2nd time she's done that for me. She was SO proud. I gave her 2 M&Ms and she told me she was "so excited" which is great to see her confidence blossom!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Hello All....slaker blogger here! Its July and the summer heat is upon us and Brie is taking to the pool like a fish in an aquarium. Her loves her Saturday swimming lessons and visits to the MV Lake. We said goodbye to Fraulein Maria at the end of June and that visit was very special for all involved. Brie loved waking her up every AM and Fraulein enjoyed some quality time with both Brie and I separately and together! We hope to visit her in Germany either 2013 or 2014! Brie has actually been acting out a little since Maria left...I think she liked staying home more and seeing mama take some time off of work. But she's settling back into school and they have a lot of activities planned to keep her busy! Some cute things Brie is saying right now are "slip slops" for flip flops and she loves seeing the trash truck come every Wednesday. She is sure to say "hola" to Jesus..the trash truck man. So, enjoy your summer y'all and come visit us!