Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Christmas Time

This year, Brie is more suspicious and inquisitive about Santa and our elf Twinkle. She's trying to catch them. She put bells in her stocking so she'll wake up when Santa fills it. She's asking me to set up my living room camera so we can see Santa put gifts under our tree. Its funny. She's very into the mechanical aspect of Santa too - how he fits down the chimney and how he can eat cookies at every house without getting sick. I just love her imagination and spirit of Christmas. She makes me feel like a kid again.

Monday, October 15, 2018


Brie will be a bunny this year for Halloween along with her BFF Ellie. They have a special language they speak to one another that sounds like a high-pitched squeak so I went on Amazon and patiently waited for two costumes to arrive from China. The costume reminds me a lot of A Christmas Story when Aunt Clara buys Ralphie a gift! LOL

Friday, September 28, 2018

Serious about School

Brie is very serious about school. Wants to be on time. Have all her homework done. Please her teacher. And she'll get upset if she forgets to bring her math book home. I can tell the structured way I brought her up is resonating at school. Shortly after she started 3rd grade, my mom wanted her to fly up to Lake Tahoe and miss a day or two of school. Brie was not liking this idea and actually got upset. Me...I would have gone in a second. I was ok missing school and played sick from time to time. She's the opposite. :)

Friday, August 24, 2018

3rd grade

Brie started 3rd grade this week. She had an ear ache and was pretty sick but showed up with lot of enthusiasm and she's coming home and reading for 20 min each night. She had a tough time with her class assignment. All of her friends ended up in the same class. When I say all...I mean all. So she kept up a great attitude and made the most of it. Gma Jan was in town visiting so it was an extra special week

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Dad's 10th Anniversary

As we plan the 10th anniversary trail walk for Brian, its such a time of mixed emotions. Its hard raising his daughter and knowing she missed out on such an amazing human being and there is literally no way to explain it. But we soldier on and we have his 10th annual trail event coming up on Aug 4th. Brie and Grandpa Skipper walked his trail already and she got to see the dedication plaques along the way. 9 years ago during the 1st walk, I was swollen and miserable after suffering from ovarian hyper stimulation where Dr Anderson almost hospitalized me for. I remember being at the walk and looking 4 months pregnant. So technically Brie was with me the 1st time too :)

Monday, June 25, 2018


Brie survived her first airplane trip to Colorado (solo) and loved it. She was there for 5 days and it was sunny, hot and dusty but she loved it. I got a great little letter from her in the mail saying she wants to come next year. She was in Cabin #2 and had really nice counselors. They all high-fives me when I told them I went to Knighthood I three years in a row back in the late 80s! Next year she will go for 2 weeks and come home with a charm bracelet XXOO

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

End of 2nd Grade

Brie is one week away from graduating from 2nd grade. She's enjoying school and is good at math but reading isn't much of an interest to her. Unlike her Mom! I used to re-read books over and over. She is great at wanting to complete her homework and she's very good at being enthusiastic about school projects. This year we did a paper doll celebrating her heritage so we did a German doll! This Summer is filled with Kids Camp,Geneva Glen camp in Colorado where mommy went and science camp. Brie is a thriving, beautiful young girl and I am so proud to call her my daughter!